Comments:Pakistan to Turkey container train service launched

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This news is very surprising indeed but a map of the route of this train is sadly missing. Surely nobody has built a railroad through Afghanistan? I am also curious why the trip from Islamabad to Istanbul would take 14 days. In 1968, the drive from Istanbul to Kabul over very rudimentary roads did not take much more than five or six days if you kept moving. Then what, perhaps two more days to Islamabad? Why is this train so slow? Passengers will want to move faster than that for sure. — Larry Lueck

My assumption is that the answer to your second question is your first question;). The train probably takes a rather... "scenic" route to avoid the more dangerous areas in western and central Asia. Gopher65talk 00:03, 17 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

A good news edit

The freight service between the three countries is a good news that comes in between so many tragic news of killings and explosions in Pakistan. I wish all the best to trade, commerce and tourism that shall come out of the service. I also look forward to more concrete steps from the democratic government of Pakistan to improve the conditions of our country.

mcdonald is cooler than u

Comments from feedback form - "its Great servise and most rea..." edit

its Great servise and most realationship turkey and pakistan — (talk) 07:53, 15 June 2010 (UTC)Reply

improvement edit

in this world perhaps the human cant get rest in life, but we hope that it will be in peace one day inshallah, it is a good action to conecct turky by train, i proud of pakistan for this act, but we must clear ourselves in the world to trust, becos i know that how the forigner behaving pakistani peoples in there countries, we should honest in pakistan and where we are working for pakistan, God bless pakistan and the whole world.