Comments:One shop defies court order, one shop returns to work in Dublin Thomas Cook occupation

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its a crying shame in this day and age that workers have to stage a sit in to get what they rightfully deserve I spoke to someone only today who highlighted the working people in this country and pointed out that if a tribe in south Africa going out on a daily hunt said to 12 hunters from a group of 100 " you 12 are not hunting today we no longer need your services and feel you are not pulling you weight" it would be the end of their family as they would die from starvation. every day across Ireland our country greedy employers riding on the back of the economic down turn are telling loyal hardworking staff they no longer have jobs and they are now headed for the bread line that is dwindling as the government makes way for massive cuts in social welfare and increases in taxation of every kind. the people of Ireland need to ask themselves when is enough enough and how much more can the people take whilst the government take excess wage increments with an expenses budget fit for kings.