Comments:Ohio State gunman kills employee before committing suicide

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Poor Reasoning002:53, 10 March 2010

Poor Reasoning

I don't understand why when faced with a difficult situation such as bankruptcy that someone would react in this way by taking it out on others. It's like when someone is angry they lash out at those around them, I've never found this constructive at all. Often if something bad comes up for me there is that flash of anger and frustration but if I just give it a second and think it through a solution can be found. There are too many people I meet or read about that are too lazy, immature or childish to think situations through, preferring instead to act rashly or have a tantrum. In my line of work I have people twice my age (23) exploding at me for small inconveniences that may require them to exert even the smallest amount of effort, instead they shout and scream and generally just have a sook which is the same reaction I see from my 10yr old cousin when my aunt tells him he can't have dessert... (talk)02:53, 10 March 2010