Comments:Nine killed as protests spread to Kandahar over Qur'an burning

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
How was he allowed to do it123:45, 4 April 2011
Comments from feedback form - "this is nonsense things is goi..."108:48, 4 April 2011

How was he allowed to do it

Putting the awful events in Afghanistan aside, why was the guy allowed to burn the Koran anyway? Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can do what the fuck you want! What a twat, he must have expected something like this to happen. I hope he's feeling pretty bad about it right now.

Mcchino64 (talk)11:34, 4 April 2011

They don't really care about the burning incident. They have plenty of real things to be mad about, and the Qur'an burning just became a rallying point that the US government can't touch lest it appear to be intolerant.

Even if this were really about a Qur'an being burned, then the problem is the violent reaction to something that is completely pointless and harmless. It's not wrong to burn paper with ink on it. It's not like an invaluable, historical artifact was destroyed in some ancient library; there are probably billions of copies of the Qur'an. (talk)23:38, 4 April 2011

Comments from feedback form - "this is nonsense things is goi..."

this is nonsense things is going will very dangers (talk)03:28, 4 April 2011

Its incredible in this day and age the superstitious (religious) will play out the same dramas they've been doing since they made up their gods to begin with. (talk)08:48, 4 April 2011