Comments:Nicolaus Copernicus buried again

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
DNA testing confirms ID of corpse - how?016:24, 26 May 2010
Copernicus buried again005:09, 26 May 2010

DNA testing confirms ID of corpse - how?

"After the extraction, the body was sent for DNA testing, which confirmed it was Copernicus, who died in 1543." I would love to know how this authoritative determination was made. (talk)16:21, 26 May 2010

Copernicus buried again

How was the DNA test made? Are there descendants of Copernicus alive today to compare their DNA? or, Do the Polish government have any biological parts known beyond any doubts that belong to Copernicus? If not, How can they be so sure that those remains belong to the astronomer? Berenice Rodríguez, Mexico (talk)05:09, 26 May 2010