Comments:NATO deploys helicopters in Libya

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I love stories like this 200:23, 14 June 2011

I love stories like this

I like airplanes and helicopters so stories like this always bring warmth to my heart <3

September11lol (talk)21:04, 9 June 2011

Really? I am more inclined to feel warm to the fact that eventually this bastard is going to crawl into a hole for a few months, then eventually someone will rat him out and then one NATO country (Hopefully the U.S since they have a record of completely levelling a place to get one guy) is going to go in and ventilate the bastard. Just like so many in previous history, someone will get him... (talk)00:22, 14 June 2011

P.S: Why is your name September11lol? That's just weak (talk)00:23, 14 June 2011