Comments:Murdoch empire in crisis after newspaper closes: BSkyB bid halted, former editor arrested, anger at chief executive

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
NEWS should be freely available in the Digital age006:08, 12 July 2011
Comments from feedback form - "It strikes me as not credible ..."002:16, 11 July 2011

NEWS should be freely available in the Digital age

Human Society has survived revolutions (Industrial, Cultural, Agricultural, Scientific and Digital) and Human Species has survived Wars and continue to evolve. We explore deep sea, space, moon and continue our quest to reach Mars.

Let NEWS be freely available by Digital Source.

Wikinews sets an example.

Let us work together and be human and show compassion to other Life forms we know and cherish our Planet. After all we are Mortal beings. Let us get inspired by Great leaders, by working together as one Society and achieve our Goals in Open Source. Information should be freely available because we (fellow Humans, Life forms & Society ) makes NEWS. Why should we pay for it to access on Line. Let us vote for Wikinews. Other greedy Moghuls will follow us. Ethical Society is the Dominant one. Let us learn and share

Rajveetee (talk)06:04, 12 July 2011

Comments from feedback form - "It strikes me as not credible ..."

It strikes me as not credible that “his empire was in crisis” when it is large, international in scope, and the events reported deal with only one of his many properties in one nation. I also believe him to be a man, not a “giant”. Wording such as this leads me to doubt the neutrality of this particular page. (talk)02:16, 11 July 2011