Comments:Muammar al-Gaddafi: Divide Nigeria in two to avoid bloodshed

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
SHUT-UP GHADDAFI014:28, 9 March 2013
Mr.Al-Gaddafi321:08, 17 March 2010


Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 14:25, 9 March 2013

Al-Ghaddafi should shut-up his mouth and close his eyes on what is happening in Nigeria. Ghaddafi does not really mean well for us if he actually want us to split due to the crises that claimed the lives of so many Nigerians in the recent Jos mayhem. Could the same Ghaddafi recall that his authorities ordered the execution of many Nigerians in Libya on Thursday,August 7, 2009? Why will he do that if he so much claim that he love Nigerians and would come down here to dictate to our people that the best solution to stop Jos crises was only by dividing Nigerian into Christian and Muslim. Did he recall that those Nigerians he executed were both Christians and Muslims? Okay, Let me remind Ghaddafi once more that countries like the United States of America, Isreal, Russia, etc have more than four core religions such as Christian, Muslim, Hindus and Budusist yet they exist and wax strong as world powers today. Two good heads they say is better than one, Nigeria better as one country only that our Government is deficient in the welfare of the common Nigerians. Ghaddafi should stop yanking religious sentiment to split us or plunge us into hating our fellow Nigerians. God has made it that we must co-exist as one and there is nothing you can do about that because you can’t question the personality of God. Dictate that to your fellow Libyans and not to Nigerians.



forgot that India and Pakistan fought over three major wars and a divided Nigeria would lead to more bloodshed.--KDP3 (talk) 23:12, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

KDP3 (talk)23:12, 16 March 2010

I think the guy is right if you ask me. I am an Nigerian and if you want to know the truth, its that the Muslim north with no oil have ruled the Christian south since the British left and have left the south who sit on the countries oil with virtually nothing while developing the north. To make matters worse the ecological damage has made things worse for the people of the south especially the Niger Delta where the people who depend on fishing and farming are now having problems as oil spills have destroyed the soil for farming and the rivers, waters are pools of dead fish and oil. Its difficult for people who live in such conditions to sit and wait for UN hand outs when they can fight for what's rightfully theirs. I do agree the a split would amount to bloodshed but on the long term it would be better for the people because the division between the north and the south is not exactly a thin one. Its wider than the ocean between Africa and the Americas. So the sacrifice would definitely be worth it. (talk)00:54, 17 March 2010

Can't anything be done to install peace rather than splitting Nigeria that will result in more bloodshed? I believe in the saying that goes thus "Cutting an ache head is not the solution to headache" (talk)19:58, 17 March 2010

I am not convinced. The biggest problem is for people who have to shift their lives to a different place. I am a victim of a separation,India and Pakistan. It is very difficult to leave your home and start a new life in a new place. Prejudices are reality. After years of separation I still have a divided family. Instead of giving in to circumstances we should try to ask questions about these assumptions. Leaders like Gaddafi form their political careers on irrational and seemingly heroic actions. The results should be thought. More negotiations and rationalization should take place. (talk)21:08, 17 March 2010