Comments:Mob kills 'witches' in Kenya

Latest comment: 15 years ago by MJ the Prophet in topic Africa not a waste

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This is one more reason why Africa is a waste and will never become anything. We're wasting our time sending money and trying to help them...

Yes, because remote outback communities reflect the entire continent. Using your logic, the Manson Family is just one more reason why America is a waste and will only go downhill. Clearly. -- 04:46, 22 May 2008 (UTC)Reply

Africa not a waste edit

Interesting idea; however, in that case we can simply consider that Christian Europe from about 1300 until the 1600s really should never have amounted to anything. It took hundreds of years for witch hunts to stop in the ancestry of modern society, and that's just the organized trials and executions. Witchcraft has been a word associated with "person we don't like" for thousands of years, and continues to be to this day. Giving aid to those countries that still have such problems is certainly not a waste of time and effort; the idea is to help less developed regions avoid having to spend hundreds of years working out their problems. It will still take time, and the problems don't just go away, but with help from those cultures that have already been through them it will take much less time. -MJ the Prophet (talk) 12:53, 22 May 2008 (UTC)Reply