Comments:Minor aftershock hits Pichilemu, Chile area

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Comments from feedback form - "This is stupid, why are there ..."607:52, 25 July 2010

Comments from feedback form - "This is stupid, why are there ..."

This is stupid, why are there so many articles on "minor aftershocks" and other random crap from some place in Chile no one cares about? Hey Wikinews, how about reporting on some real news now and again? (talk)18:16, 24 July 2010

Because there were major quakes there that leveled a good part of the country? Because "minor aftershocks" have a tendency to finish leveling what big quakes didn't complete? Because Wikinews is written by you? Now quit your bitching and go write something.

Wikinews is like voting. Put up (Write) or Shut Up (as in Shut up).

ShakataGaNai ^_^18:21, 24 July 2010

Thanks people, you just proved my point precisely. You think anonymous editors are going to be inclined to write for us when they get insulted and sworn at? Your average reader is going to be turned off right fast when he's told to quit bitching; I think I'd rather shut up than write if taking the time to do anything, even as simple as write a comment, is responded to like that. (Incidentally, way to completely fail at "civil discussion and polite sparring.")

C628 (talk)18:46, 24 July 2010

What point? Some magical point? The point of a sphere?

ShakataGaNai ^_^19:04, 24 July 2010

Why do you need to reply like that?

07:50, 25 July 2010

What Shaka said.

Diego Grez return fire18:28, 24 July 2010

I agree with you (talk)07:52, 25 July 2010