Comments:Man arrested in India after mid-air hijack threat on domestic flight

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It is possible that Jitender Kumar was either under some drug intoxication or was suffering from a Psychiatric illness for example manic psychosis. some abnormal personalities like those with histrionic personality traits under stress may take recourse to such behavior to come under the lime light. So before he is subjected to court proceedings and subsequent punishment he should undergo an evaluation for psychaitric illnesses and if necessary appropriate treatment. SOMNATH SENGUPTA—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs)

low blood pressure and affirmative defense edit

It is interesting to note that he was "found to have low blood pressure". Which could involve: blood pressure-lowering medications, many psychiatric medications, in particular antidepressants, increased activity at the brain-stem, aging or other disorder. I wonder if India has, and if Affirmative Defense would be used. In the US it roughly, concedes that yes, the action was committed but with a reason. Nick Wheeler, NYC-—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs)

the guy that "hijacked" the plane edit

wat an idiot don't threaten to hijack a plane just do it. freackin moron —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs)