Comments:Little Rock Nine member Jefferson Thomas dies aged 67

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "your garbage brah! ^.^"016:43, 5 March 2012
Fact Check107:15, 8 September 2010

Comments from feedback form - "your garbage brah! ^.^"

your garbage brah! ^.^ (talk)16:43, 5 March 2012

Fact Check

Not to be anal- but according to National Public Radio, he was 68. (talk)08:36, 7 September 2010

Similarly, I thought the bit about them being stopped by the National Guard was odd, but it's technically accurate. Out-of-context, both "they were stopped by the National Guard" and "they were escorted by the National Guard" are true, depending on the date.

It's a confusing situation, so I might feel better if the article said something more to the effect of "but they were stopped by the Arkansas National Guard under the direction of the governor. It would not be until September 23rd the students would enter the school for the first time, with an escort from the U.S. Army and later the National Guard, no longer under the governor's control." It still doesn't tell the whole story, but it shows what a dynamic time it was.

I know this isn't the page for suggesting edits or what-not, but I'm not motivated enough to mess with the article.

Fishy c (talk)07:15, 8 September 2010