Comments:Large gas main explodes in San Bruno, California neighborhood

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Puerto Rico no se da cuenta lo inutil que es esta via101:50, 18 September 2010
Comments from feedback form - "Wow, just goes to show how up ..."013:33, 10 September 2010
whoa113:23, 10 September 2010

Puerto Rico no se da cuenta lo inutil que es esta via

Invito a los Puertorriquenos a oponerse a un proyecto que inclina la balanza hacia lo peor. La destruccion versus el beneficio no vale la pena. Hay que preguntarse a quien o a quienes beneficia ,porque al pueblo no es. REACCIONEN PIENSEN DEJEN QUE SU VOZ PREVALEZCA. Carmen Arabia PR (talk)01:45, 18 September 2010

¿Qué significa esto, estimado editor anónimo?

Diego Grez return fire01:50, 18 September 2010

Comments from feedback form - "Wow, just goes to show how up ..."

Wow, just goes to show how up todate WIkinews is. (talk)13:33, 10 September 2010

Holy crap, you don't often hear of something like this happening! I wonder if there was earthquake damage to a natural gas line, or if something else was to blame (poor maintenance, sabotage)?

Gopher65talk13:20, 10 September 2010

Many people said they felt what they thought was an earthquake about 1 to 2 minutes prior to the explosion. They also though they heard a plane. The live pictures at the time this happened really did show how massive this was.

DragonFire1024 (Talk to the Dragon)13:23, 10 September 2010