Comments:Kony 2012 campaign faces ridicule, praise

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Comments from feedback form - "This article only uses one sou..."309:39, 10 May 2012

Comments from feedback form - "This article only uses one sou..."

This article only uses one source from Indiana who is terribly biased, based on his experience of having visited Uganda twice. While this is an okay source, building an entire article around his opinion is not. The 'Kony 2012 campaign faces ridicule, praise' was misleading - I actually thought Wikinews had a higher standard than this. (talk)01:56, 4 May 2012

“If Uganda was resource rich to the degree that Iraq was, in the United States we would be talking about Joseph Kony to the same degree that we talk about Saddam Hussein..."

He also makes some stupid claims. Don't forget that. (talk)02:23, 4 May 2012

Unfortunately, he is right.

DragonFire1024 (Talk to the Dragon)09:38, 10 May 2012

Its actually not misleading. Some people praised the campaign while others hated it. So the title is perfect.

DragonFire1024 (Talk to the Dragon)09:39, 10 May 2012