Comments:Judge jails two men for life over Liam Aitchison murder

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
My Sincere sorry to the parents in sorrow. 010:31, 2 July 2013
Respect for the lives of the innocent002:48, 2 July 2013

My Sincere sorry to the parents in sorrow.

i am humbly pitied by what i have read i can see how the parents have felt .This is an unfortunate tragedy. The two instigators dont have heart for a friend .Just no heart. they should regret for what they did. (talk)10:31, 2 July 2013

Respect for the lives of the innocent

I will never spend one iota of money in a country where the life of an innocent man is worth so little. How could these savages get bail while awaiting trial? The Scottish people should be ashamed at the way their courts handled this case.

Get2djnow (talk)02:48, 2 July 2013