Comments:Japanese tourist travels through 37 countries on just $2

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Details edit

Any details on the arrest in India and the "escaped marriage" in Nepal? Who then was a gentleman? (talk) 21:52, 12 September 2009 (UTC)Reply

I would love to see this become a movie.-- (talk) 23:02, 12 September 2009 (UTC)Reply

I'd love to know how he did it. That seemed like it would be an amazing experience.-- (talk) 07:41, 13 September 2009 (UTC)Reply
I personally don't beleive this, how Iwasaki could able to survive travelling for about eight years. How he got the visa of some countries (India, Pakistan and some other nations), which required pre arrival Visa for Japanese passport. He said, he left home with just 2$ in pocket, then how he purchase ferry ticket to Korea?? Doing magic tricks not enough for eating 3 times a day, buying clothes, renting shelter for sleeping, purchasing cycles as he said now he have 5th cycle. The other main thing is his personal security as the previous years had War on Terror everywhere, how can he manage to communicate with locals of different countries, everybody doesn't speak English nor Japanese...etc. We have to consider many things before come to a single point that he really travel 37 nations with only 2$ in pocket while leaving home..

-- (talk) 12:22, 13 September 2009 (UTC)Reply

Someone is a negative nancy.

-- (talk) 19:43, 13 September 2009 (UTC)Reply

He must've had jobs during his travels. Can anyone clarify this? The article makes out that he survived for eight years on thin air and good intentions but he would've starved to death and been too weak to pedal after the first year if he really had left home with a bike, $2 and no work permit. Living ain't free! Good article otherwise though.Shane.Bell (talk) 14:02, 14 September 2009 (UTC)Reply
The magic of Barter, or the will to eat road grass?
was he asked for any passports for this? the guy is an example of courage.

He is still on his cycle tour which ends in 2014. I dont believe this guy.... rate this story as not reliable.

japenese guy travels world on $2 a day, rubbish!! where did he sleep and buy water and food and buy visas ?? this article is just like u see in the trash rags, man does this on so much a day, why on earth dont they just say Japanese man travels world on bike on next to nothing?? yours, RUSSELL NASH, MALVERN.

Comments from feedback form - "sooooooooo coooooooooooooooooo..." edit

sooooooooo coooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllll — (talk) 20:21, 14 May 2010 (UTC)Reply

So okay, maybe he didn't do it with just $2. I realize this is a big maybe, but you have to keep in mind the exchange rates. Also, hey, if he has the balls to do something of that magnitude, traveling through 37 countries on a bike, well then I say "More power to you, Japanese man." - (talk) Dolan Hayes

Interesting edit

I don't think it is realistically possible nowadays as so much expense one should have and they have to be more hardworking than ever before. But if it is soo i believe they have done a spectacular job thumbs up to them! —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) 12:58, 22 June 2013‎