Comments:Iran hangs three suspects for mosque bombing, blames U.S. and Israel

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The Iranian government is simply looking for an excuse to declare war on the US. To suggest that al-Qaeda, a group which openly hates the US, was working with them is simply ridiculous. This President is insane.--Sampi (talk) 06:22, 1 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

What became al-Qaeda from the mujahadeen in Afghanistan was, at one point, armed, financed, and supported by the U.S. --Brian McNeil / talk 06:29, 1 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
So losely they are correct that the US did arm al-Qaeda once upon a time. They're just taking that fact and twisting it around to support a lie as all good dictatorship's do. Except for the fact that they're a democracy which is a bit depressing. -- (talk) 02:31, 3 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

They always blame the US and Israel for everything. If the US bombed them, the few remaining would know. Israel is a little more into the subterfuge. It's not necessary for either. The oppressed population are fully capable themselves.