Comments:Iran continues to lash out at film industry

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Lack of democracy is too blame007:14, 8 November 2011
Not alright003:27, 17 October 2011

Lack of democracy is too blame

There are many cases when censorship does go to far. In some cases, I approve of censorship, but banning people from making films is not okay. The only reason this is occuring is due to a lack of democracy and free speech in places like Iran, China and North Korea. These governments seem to take offence to anything they do not personaly like. I don't like it when currant affairs programs show stories about the latest celebrity diet craze, but I'm not going to ban them because of that.

Klltr (talk)07:14, 8 November 2011

Not alright

I find this is unacceptable, how many lines is Iran allowed to cross? How bad is it really? (talk)03:27, 17 October 2011