Comments:Investigation into Polish air crash reveals passengers in cockpit

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Very poor info, at least IMO. There are many questions on which Tatiana Anodina and Morozov answered poorly or din't answer at all and this news dosn't even mention that. For example the question about insufficient guarding the area of the crash during first 48 hours was ignored. Likewise the question about polish sat phones was ignored. The wuestion about top secret NATO information was answered poorly (Tatiana Anodina said that MAK is not in possesion of such info, she didn't say anything about Russian Federation having this info or not). Also anodina said that there was no ILS system in Smoleńsk Airport while it was revealed a while ago that it's not true. Also Edmund Klich said that in fact ILS was in Smoleńsk Airport before. --LunarBird (talk) 01:43, 25 May 2010 (UTC)

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