Comments:International Space Station astronauts complete spacewalk

Latest comment: 16 years ago by Jvian in topic Space Station Development

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We have so much need in the world and we are wasting taxpayers dollars!! We could save money by going to King's Island.

Space Station Development edit

I have been looking for a site which would give a clear account, with pictures and names of the various components, of the construction of the space station, from its first components. Even the NASA site doesn't provide an account of this which is easily comprehensible. There is a video, but it runs too fast for me to keep up with. This would make a wonderful Wikipedia article, which could be linked to news stories about the station. Thank you, and please forward this comment, as a request, to the appropriate sites. Janice Vian Jvian 18:00, 21 November 2007 (UTC)Reply