Comments:IPC criticizes US Paralympic coverage

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Thread title | Replies | Last modified |
nz | 0 | 06:39, 30 August 2012 |
Comments from feedback form - "Sir Philip Craven is a leader ..." | 0 | 02:01, 30 August 2012 |
nz is worse than US. New Zealand is only showing two to three one hour highlight programmes a day, and it's only showing on pay TV. Free to air TV isn't doing anything except news reports if we do well!
Sir Philip Craven is a leader of leaders! The US Paralympic committee should be ashamed and I feel they now know they are ashamed for there mistake in leadership in the US. This all comes back to how countries focus their efforts in progressing the Paralympic movement. The US has put all of their focus and attention on the injured warrior program and how they can get money from the government, when they should have been focusing on the sport. If US Paralympics actually stuck to their mission statement, then TV coverage in the states would have been done years ago. But the leadership in the US Paralympic committee is corrupt and focused on their on pockets, and not on the sport!