Comments:Greek workers strike over austerity measures

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
people working to help protesters...005:40, 1 July 2011
Comments from feedback form - "The fact that white people in ..."317:20, 29 June 2011

people working to help protesters...

"The Athens metro will remain open 'so as to allow Athenians to join the planned protests in the capital.'"

Wonderful. So they should send all of the bus and ferry drivers to work as well. How else are those protesters going to travel to the capital? And they might as well open up the hospitals and ambulance services as well, to make sure the protesters are getting the best treatment possible.

Oh wait. That's pretty much a huge chunk of the protesting population! oops

There's a reason why economic protests don't work. Go to the voting booths instead -- the ballot is your greatest weapon.

Ragettho (talk)05:40, 1 July 2011

Comments from feedback form - "The fact that white people in ..."

The fact that white people in rich countries are grossly overpaid remains. They donot deserve even half of what they are being paid while the job that they do can be done in a quarter of its price in countries which they pillaged 50 years ago (talk)06:44, 29 June 2011

Well it's hard to justify higher pay when all you do is ride camels and chuck spears and babble incoherently all day. All that civilizing influence... wasted. :( (talk) 15:54, 29 June 2011 (UTC) (talk)15:54, 29 June 2011

More racism. Double sigh.

Tom Morris (talk)17:20, 29 June 2011

Sigh. Racism.

Tom Morris (talk)17:20, 29 June 2011