Comments:German mosque used by September 11 militants closed

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
What is this!011:13, 10 August 2010
Now a mosque close to the sight of the Twin Tower Disaster?121:37, 9 August 2010

What is this!

They should of kept it open, and kept on spying on them. These radicals will just move off somewhere else - probably to the one in New York. (talk)11:13, 10 August 2010

Now a mosque close to the sight of the Twin Tower Disaster?

I can't believe we are even debating whether or not we should let them build a mosque in NYC. (talk)16:54, 9 August 2010

Them? Ignorant bigots like the above poster are what what make the world an unpleasant place (talk)21:37, 9 August 2010