Comments:Former adult film actress forced to leave teaching job again

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Thread title | Replies | Last modified |
Comments from feedback form - "Her past is her past. I would ..." | 7 | 08:33, 21 April 2011 |
Comments from feedback form - "How the Hell did some grade sc..." | 1 | 20:02, 12 March 2011 |
Comments from feedback form - "she should not be let out of t..." | 0 | 08:11, 12 March 2011 |
Her past is her past. I would rather have her as a teacher than Gingrich as the president.
i think people should be more worried about their children looking at porn online than whether or not a teacher once had a legal career in the adult entertainment industry. furthermore maybe this controversy will cause the united states to make college more affordable since people seem to be so angry that a woman 'chose' to pay for college by getting involved in porn, instead of thinking that some woman who wanted an education was forced into porn to pay for said education. who wants their daughter to become an adult entertainer to pay for college?
She wasn't forced to do porn; she could have got a proper job. Seriously, if it was up to me, I wouldn't fire her, but she must admit that she brought this situation upon herself.
"Her past is her past", yeah right. Would you say the same if it was an ex-pedophile? His past is his past, right?
Acting in pornography is legal and doesn't hurt anybody. Comparing it to pedophilia is not remotely fair.
Maybe she could have gotten some minimum wage job and struggled by forever. She chose to do a job that paid enough for her to move on and do what she ultimately wanted to do. Paedophilia ? Really people, it's a long way from working in porn to molesting children... And from all accounts she sounds to have the kids interests at heart. I say if she's a good teacher and is strong enough and willing to ride out the inevitable comments/slurs/etc then let her teach. You Americans are so repressed sometimes when someone mentions sex... pity you were'nt so concerned when your previous president and vice-president were busy stealing electons and killing people by going to war to line their pockets.
her job in adult entertainment industry is as honorable and as other kinds of job like police teacher soldier goverment offficer ,so how could american suspend her teaching ,that decision is shameful for a democratic country like usa. so we should organize a campaign to support her returning to teaching post. god bless her . fuck those hypocrisy people who judge her by bias.
How the Hell did some grade school kid know she did porn? Apparently parents in Missouri don't care too much about what their kids are up to. Perhaps its time Child Protective Services look in on the kids household.. that's where the REAL media story could be.