Comments:Former WWE superstar Jeff Hardy arrested on major drug charges

Latest comment: 14 years ago by in topic JEFFhardys aresst for drugs.

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I think all of this is a lie, I am a Jeff Hardy fan and I don't think he did any of this, why would someone who has all of that money would do something like this, the media needs to stop all this bullshit and leave him alone. Don't worry Jeff im your biggest fan and you can count on me to be with you 100%. Jeff Hardy 4 Life.........

JEFFhardys aresst for drugs. edit

Idoubt it JEFF would never do that. I think this some bullshit CM PUNK fans have made up.

i am sooooooooooo mad and sad i love jeff hardy

i love jeff so much why cant this be fake i am so sad i keep trying to tell my self that this is so fake he would neva do this stuff since i found this out i have been so sad but where ever jeff is ...........jeff hardy 4 life!!!!!!!!! i love him i am his biggest fan i hope that matt helps him get out and if i had enough money i would ttyl pay his bail if any of you r jeff fans u would no what im talking bout .........omg..........I......LOVE......JEFF I AM TTYL OBSSED with him i could keep going on 4 ever JEFF HARDY 4EVA he is sooooooooooo sexy!!!!!!!!! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:44, 29 September 2009 (UTC)Reply