Comments:Former US Sheriff of the Year jailed in drugs-for-sex case

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Thread title | Replies | Last modified |
Unfair jail time for METH DEALING LAWMAN | 2 | 04:46, 27 June 2018 |
This is the sort of Favortisim that really upsets me!!! , a so-called Upstanding crimefighter gets 1 month in jail for several offences while a person caught just smoking " pot" would be in PRISON for SEVERAL YEARS!!. This former Sheriff admits to USING and DEALING METH ( one of the WORST drugs out there )and soliciting sex for trade in this drug and he gets 1 MONTH !!!!1 MONTH , this is as clear a sign as any that the COURTS are CORRUPT and they PROTECT thier own ,this SICKENS me and further shows that the laws are terribly corrupt.
I concur.
No one bats an eye when pigs are caught in the act.
No one, not even children, believe police are chosen because they are the most honest people in society.
Dirt is drawn to pig work like flies to shit.
And that is exactly what they all are.
Human garbage.
dude your an should look at all the feds that set him up and planted the shit.....thats why he only got what he got....90% was lies from the cops and informants.....retards get your facts rirght before you talk smack....your only making yourself look stupid