Comments:Florida judge awards Zimmerman $150,000 bond in Trayvon Martin shooting

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Why would Martin plead for help if he was armed?001:15, 23 April 2012

Why would Martin plead for help if he was armed?

Though the apology humanized the defendant, it also build an anticipation that Zimmerman will testify at his trial. If he does, he will be hit with any inconsistent statement he gave to the police -- and perhaps even to Sean Hannity. Yes, Sean may have become a State rebuttal witness. More importantly, Zimmerman would have to explain not knowing there was no weapon since Martin was pleading for help. Indeed, why would Martin plead for help if he was armed and could have fired his own gun? The “help” pleas went on for almost a minute, and thus unequivocally put Zimmerman on notice that Martin was at his mercy -- without a weapon to resort to.

It was disingenuous then for Zimmerman to testify that he did not know if Martin was armed.  This undermined the sincerity of his apology. (talk)01:15, 23 April 2012