Comments:Five hundred Euro note withdrawn from sale in UK

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laughable excuses, smoke and mirrors put up by banksters to further reduce use of cash in favor of digital, dematerialized, money. worth investigating further ...

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Just Plain SIlly223:12, 14 May 2010

Just Plain SIlly

Obviously this is a reactionary move on the part of the government, one which attempts to treat the symptoms rather than looking to the root causes. €500 banknotes don't cause money laundering, people do.

ScalePoint (talk)16:40, 14 May 2010

Lol, well it's a lot easier when you can shift £20k in a cigarette packet!


Decent point. I can imagine it's a stall to make it look like they're doing something helpful, not they have much more choice in what to do, they shouldn't say they do.

James Pain (talk)23:12, 14 May 2010