Comments:Felix Baumgartner jumps from stratosphere, breaks sound barrier

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "How can the body cope with the..."017:49, 30 October 2012
Parachute and Pressure Suit Q's001:32, 18 October 2012

Comments from feedback form - "How can the body cope with the..."

How can the body cope with the impact of breaking the sound barrier - does the pressure suite make all the difference. I'm also thinking of the ears here, don't you lose your hearing?? (talk)17:49, 30 October 2012

Parachute and Pressure Suit Q's

1. How far did Felix B. have to descend to regain control of his fall after tumbling out-of-control, what elevation allowed this?

2. Was more than one chute used for his jump, and what were the chutes and straps made of?

3. Further, wouldn't the recoil of the chute upon opening at or above the speed of sound subject Felix B. to a G-force "snap"? What materials were the pressure suit made of?

4. What is next for Felix and the Red Bull Team? Much kudos belong to you all.

Justin Demoude (talk)01:32, 18 October 2012