Comments:Egyptian man names daughter 'Facebook'

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Okay about the man naming his kid Facebook, we all have our own opioions so back off. It seems like you are the ones teasing!
Mark Zuckerberg made Facebook. so that means that she was also created by Mark Zuckerberg:P
not really
I believe in my opinion that is stupid as stupid becomes but do keep in mind we're Americans and what we feel is stupid and cool are far different from other countries' beliefs so apparently in Egypt that must be something to be common. But here in the States its uncommon so its interesting to see the other beliefs or feelings of others in different countries.
omgg its go sad on the kid " hey facbook " show me my profileee :O
Wow, How dumb and ignorant . . . . . . . Very SAD !! ! Facebook did not revolutionize Egypt, Facebook did not act as a main change in the Middle East, All Facebook did was absolutley NOTHING ! It was the will and honour of the Egyptian people who brought their government down, through social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Just like the Media helped in getting the message out, BBC, CNN, Local as well as International news.... The whole world came together and brought down a government, and it was the power of the Egyptian's beleif and determination that they were able to take advantage of the technological advances around us and do what they did,
Thank you to the people, not to any social networking site,
The real name of the girl should be Egyptianaaa , could be Tahrir Square , could be Cleopatra !! Good luck to all, With Respect
That kid is going to get heeps of teasing...
Bold text The egyptian man who named his new born daughter, Facebook. Honestly, i think thats really wierd cause WHO IN THE WORLD names their daughter "Facebook". I would name my dauighter something aliitle more prettier than a social websites name! The kids at her school are gunna make fun of her, and that wont be pretty. I dont like the fact that parents these days just go off and name their kids whatever crap they can come up with! Thats just soooo unreal andd soo NOT cool. :\
it's too boring. yes that one called facebook HA HA HA but it must therefore be more exciting.
Reminds me of when the Swedish couple named their son 'Google'. I wonder how he's getting on?
He should be too busy and popular. Too many people saying "Google that" :)