Comments:Earthquake-damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant triggers evacuation

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Comments from feedback form - "More about the topic, Chernoby..."

More about the topic, Chernobyl strikes back!:D (talk)19:33, 12 March 2011

The earthquake/tsunami might be God's way of punishing the whale and dolphin killing Jap bastards (talk)21:04, 19 March 2011

Fukushima I was scheduled to be taken out of service on 24 March 2011

According to the ICJT "Nuclear Power Plants of the World" website, Fukushima was to be shut down on 24 March 2011, after 40 years of service time. This should change the discussion on the service time of old nuclear power plants. (talk)10:00, 12 March 2011

It will. Regardless the fact that this disaster will have pretty much nothing to do with the age of the plant ... It had to do with the DESIGN. Shutting down old plants is idiot's, err, politician's, solution and does solve NOTHING. Requiring that all plants, whether old or new, meet stricter requirements does. (talk)10:58, 12 March 2011

Human needs Iodine before radioactive iodine contamination, not after. radioactive iodine tries to replace Iodine in human’s thyroid gland. Human needs enough Iodine to prevent radioactive iodine penetrate his/her thyroid gland. When radioactive iodine is in the thyroid gland it is to drink Iodine. Every Belarusian knows this fact after Chernobyl catastrophe. In Belarus, thyroid gland and other cancer rates rose dozens times. Dangerous radioactive fallout as far as 300 km Chernobyl. Wind direction changed during a few days after Chernobyl catastrophe.

I (KI) - effective against - I 131 (8 and 100 day) Ca - effective against- Sr 89, Sr 90 К - effective against - Cs 135, Cs137

( (I


Zvyczaj (talk)18:27, 12 March 2011

A Tsunami on the coast of Japan sea would have been certainly less important than near the ocean !! martine from cannes (talk)16:47, 19 March 2011

Comments from feedback form - "i feel so sad"

i feel so sad (talk)20:10, 13 March 2011