Comments:Dublin mayor suggests not sending Irish representative to Israel for Eurovision 2019; two European Parliament lawmakers support boycott

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Another idiot323:09, 23 May 2018

Another idiot

Well, well, well. Looks like we have another idiot. Who does MacDonncha think he is and what does he think his job is? I suspect the good citizens of Dublin elected him to administrate their city, not engage in foreign affairs like a complete douchebag. MacDonncha, that's the job of Ireland's government, not Dublin's mayor.

SVTCobra16:19, 16 May 2018

I wouldn't care to guess what the citizens of Dublin think of this. Ireland has recent experience with generational conflicts, and all things considered have done rather well with it lately.

Pi zero (talk)16:26, 16 May 2018

Ah, he's Sinn Féin, well, that explains some things. The IRA made alliances with all kinds of other terrorist organisations -- ahem, I mean revolutionaries -- back in the day. It's odd these loyalties can survive so long. It's as if he doesn't realise Hamas would just as soon kill him once he outlives his usefulness to them.

SVTCobra16:49, 16 May 2018

Best keep issues separated. Whether or not the Israeli state is awful does not depend on whether or not Hamas is awful. It's perfectly possible for them to both be awful.

I'm being told I wouldn't be able to post this if I weren't an admin because of a blacklist entry that I know wasn't meant to have anything to do with LQT (because I wrote that entry myself). I've got no clue why the current situation matches that blacklist entry, but it's likely to be something invisibly internal to LQT. Something is sure screwed up.

Pi zero (talk)22:05, 16 May 2018