Comments:Detained journalist Mohamed Tamalt dies in Algeria

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Abandonment issues022:08, 14 December 2016

Abandonment issues

It's striking that Tamalt's lawyer accused Algeria's journalists of abandoning their fellow. As noted, Algerian journos are having a tough time of it and the prison gates loom large. Yet, in the UK we have... Well, not no such problems, but nothing even vaguely comparable. This man was a UK national working from London and I'd never heard of him. Algerian media has at least been cautiously needling at various authorities, prompting ministerial response. Where were the Brits?

I can't comment on the fairness of the accusation, having only just got up to speed with the situation; I can say with confidence the Algerian press are not the ones who should be bearing the lion's share of the legal team's disappointment. Like a parent scolding a child, the lawyer doesn't seem mad... Just disappointed. So am I.

BRS (Talk) (Contribs)22:08, 14 December 2016