Comments:Dairy cattle with names produce more milk, according to new study

Latest comment: 15 years ago by Chris Mann

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What a misleading title. The "study" asserts that cows produce more milk when given a lot of attention -- this doesn't necessarily have anything to do with naming them. This seems pretty pseudoscientific, anyway. It may be more incidental than correlative. 20:57, 29 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

I smell an Ig Nobel in the works for these researchers. Chris Mann (Say hi!|Stalk me!) 00:06, 30 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

Somethings missing about cow tipping! edit

Article does not make clear why certain cows have magnetic orientation and resist cow tipping.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs)

Misleading... edit

It doesn't seem that the study claims to have established the naming of a cow as a *cause* of higher milk production, but simply a *correlation* between more milk and names. see

Although this may raise some very interesting questions about links between animal health and psychological states, it frankly doesn't seem very scientific. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs)