Comments:Crucifixes can be displayed in state schools, European court rules

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "Display crucifixes in schools ..."321:14, 22 March 2011
Fair is fair221:48, 21 March 2011
Comments from feedback form - "The right should be giving the..."014:11, 21 March 2011
The headline of this article is incorrect.203:45, 21 March 2011
THANK GOD020:35, 19 March 2011

Comments from feedback form - "Display crucifixes in schools ..."

Display crucifixes in schools issue is a moral issue. If more children are in class, Hebrew, Japanese, Russians, Americans, Germans, Italians, etc.. if you put a crucifix, children of other religions or ethnic culture will be discrimination.I no agree with major interference of religious symbols in schools. At school children learn the curriculum approved and the church can pray to the having saints .Off corse because complement school education with religious education is ok to be moral and religious classes and religious instruction in the master classes. But only children over 12 years, only with the written consent of parents.

Mircea6591 (talk)03:28, 21 March 2011

I don't get how this is acceptable either. Public schools, as they are called in the States, cannot do this, apart from studying different religions. Unless it is a religious/private school, this isn't ethical imho.

theMONO03:43, 21 March 2011

Ro^ tanslation in en Tk... Mai draga, daca Io Ion Iliescu sunt liber cugetator si cred numai in Stalin, Lenin si Gorbaciov, care este ca si Dumnezeul meu, tu mono cum vrei sa-l punem pe cruce pe Tovarasul Mihail Sergheievici Gorbaciov, adica sa-l dezbracam si sa-l punem pe peretii copiilor la scoala. Mai draga, voi aveti idei invechite.Noi nu ne inchinam, nu facem cruce si sarbatorim Craciunul si pe Mos Nicolae cu 7,62 la fel ca si pe Baba Leana. Si aunci cum putem pune pe pereti simboluri religioase, tocmai acuma cand pana si rusii urineaza pe statuile fostilor conducatori si afiseaza in scoli pe Sfantul Putin Valdimir si pe Dumnezeul Dmitrii Medvedev. Multumesc, asa sa ne ajuta sfintii nostri ce m-au uns la conducerea tarii ca s-o fac mai mica, da romanii nu au vrut.

Mircea6591 (talk)07:49, 21 March 2011

Freedom of religion is not freedom from religion - of course it is ethical ! (talk)21:14, 22 March 2011

Fair is fair

I hope they also allow the inclusion of other religious symbols. (talk)21:22, 19 March 2011

If the teacher can have a Islamic/Jewish/Buddhist symbol. They can hang it up along with a Christian teacher hanging up the cross. (talk)23:21, 19 March 2011

"...argued that the crucifix was a cultural symbol, and a part of Europe's culture and history."

Maybe jewish or pagan symbols would be fine then, but not all other symbols. How are, for example, hindu or islamic symbols part of Europe's culture? I don't think that blowing up Europeans makes something part of European culture.

Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV (talk)21:48, 21 March 2011

Comments from feedback form - "The right should be giving the..."

The right should be giving the freedom to the evangelical students to bring their bible to school sa well (talk)14:11, 21 March 2011

The headline of this article is incorrect.

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg is NOT an EU Court. It is a court of the Council of Europe, a separate organisation from the European Union, with different membership. 'European' court, rather than 'EU' court would be more accurate.

Could this be edited, as this is a common mistake and quite a harmful one. (talk)13:21, 20 March 2011

You are right. I fixed it. Thanks!

Mattisse (talk)13:44, 20 March 2011

Changed the title as you suggested

Mattisse (talk)03:45, 21 March 2011

Thank God my saviour, Jesus Christ is NOT on the cross anymore... (talk)20:35, 19 March 2011