Comments:Court photos show FLDS leader Warren Jeffs with child brides

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I agree with Paul Murphy of the Utah Attorney General's office. These pictures are quite shocking. Cirt (talk) 12:22, 29 May 2008 (UTC)Reply

Comments from feedback form - "be great if you inconsiderate ..."


be great if you inconsiderate people in the states could keep your names and extorted extrusion of leagal issues & sick injustices away from generaring fall out to innocent peoples names and businesses around the globe in general doesnt take much to draw wrong conclusions and associations let alone develop tunnel vision and influence by the political presidential rebukes — (talk) 00:30, 28 May 2010 (UTC)Reply

primitivism and intolerance in the USA

Is anyone aware that  the ages of consent around the world range from 12 y to 16 y of age in 90% of the societies? Does anyone know that just in Sacramento County,CA  alone (not checked for their criminal past over the County lines) the 7% of Child Protective Services social workers have  criminal records (Sacramento Bee), does anyone consider what the first night spending alone,without people who are the closest to you,without your home and understanding of what is going on - of a young bou or girl  go thru - for no reason, do you know that most of the social workers used to have 100%  immunity from prosecution,so they could lie - which they did,mistreat their victims with the backing of law enforcement - which they di and do now, do you know that the Counties receive Federal bonuses in thousands of dollars for adopting out citizens children over certain annual minimum -they do.They are all around you ,many of them are nothing but criminal thugs with no family life to shape them,sexual deviants and emotionaly disturbed.Let's help them,heal them,yes ,but let's get rid of them first. Check ,www.kidjacked  and many other sites,Also  Duplessis Orphans - for the bigger picture.   Milos Leubner (707)279 -4843  Please,editors,let the truth to be known,find out before you cut!!