Comments:Church of Scientology attempting to block 'intolerant' German film

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Thread title | Replies | Last modified |
Comments from feedback form - "We need a series of articles o..." | 0 | 08:36, 17 May 2010 |
Didn't they learn from last time? | 12 | 17:23, 30 April 2010 |
We need a series of articles of allegations of illegal activities attributed to different groups, for the purpose of record keeping, along with in-depth analysis of each allegation. Allegations making it to court will be reported as such, those that are upheld will be reported, as will those that are decidedly unable to be upheld. a section for obvious contraversies of the legitimacy of said court decisions should be considered as well, telling from past historical dealings with religious, social, and govornment-based organisations. the trend suggests that an extra caution be kept when dealing with such groups, as a majority influence, or 'peer pressure' situation may occur, or the sheer weight of monetary assets may sway a court to one decision or another. these types of contraversial things should be mentioned and elaborated on if they are brought up in press coverage and things cropping up in general during or after legal proceedings have ended.
Seriously, can't they figure out that censoring this sort of thing is just going to make it WORSE? One would think they would've learned their lesson on that one with that stupid Tom Cruise video
Is it at all ironic that they are making the complaint based on 'religious intolerance' when they are supposed to disassociate with family and friends who have different beliefs or valid criticisms?
Oh, now I remember why I left Wikipedia, the media and academic world's accolades got to your head and now everything must be "serious business!"
I'm not at all certain that the making of the film Valkyrie is at all relevent, the star just happens to be a scientologist. I was of the understanding that Germany refused permission to allow filming due to the portrayal of Stauffenberg as 'the good guy' instead of an enormous Nazi
No, Germany refused filming at first due to Tom Cruise's membership in the Scientology organization.
The Germans want to prosecute a made up religion, as opposed to those based on faith. Now just what kind of evidence are they going to use to distinguish between the two "kinds"? The arrogance of faith collides into itself, as it struggles for market share. When they call Scientology a bussiness, maybe they should look back and see what their own Martin Luther had to say about Catholicism, aka "Whores of Rome". Have the Scientoligists ever indulged religious wars like the Christian world war euphemistically called "the Reformation". Maybe after a few religous masacres have been attributed to the sci fi religion, the christians can speak of "attrocity" with out the bulk of religion caused suffering dripping from their own hands.
The only difference between "cult" and faith is the pejoritive connotation. It expresses only brand preference.