Comments:China sends its first aircraft carrier to sea

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Comments from feedback form - "this aircraft carrier is actua..."

this aircraft carrier is actually a luxury cruise ship (talk)19:16, 15 January 2012

Comments from feedback form - "Need more info about this!"

Need more info about this! (talk)14:19, 27 August 2011

Comments from feedback form - "We have eleven carrier groups ..."

We have eleven carrier groups in operation. We will soon have nine. Our sub fleet will be increasing. Taiwan has just announced a carrier-busting missile. Do the math. We're in a Cold War with China. What good can be said of an anti-imperialist nation making grand imperialist gestures like this and an anti-Capitalist nation with a growing Capitalist economy and widening gap between rich and poor? I guess it's just "tough luck comrades." (talk)17:10, 17 August 2011

Violence Breeds Violence

Interesting to read the incomplete Soviet Vessel (2001) was acquired by China. Why Complete now ? Nations with motivation to ' Violence ' hide behind ' Self-Defence ' do not realise that other Nations reciprocate in a similar way. This mammoth Cost of maintanance alone can be used for positive measures to improve ' Humanity '. A small Nation like Sweden gives half a Million British Pounds equivalent to Charity. Proximity to Nations like North Korea might be a reason. Why float a Metropolitan City in the Sea ?

Rajveetee (talk)06:11, 16 August 2011

What on earth are you rambling about? (talk)14:27, 17 August 2011