Comments:China executes more people than rest of world combined, according to report

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Yeah, so what?303:37, 16 May 2010
They should look at percentage to the entire population021:02, 8 April 2010

Yeah, so what?

I wonder why anyone would care about the execution rates. I support the death penalty for the following reasons:

  1. It can act as a deterrent.
  2. If some people are in the knowledge of state secrets, they may be a threat to public safety and should therefore be gotten rid of as soon as possible. Assuming that we can't wash his memory away.
  3. If someone has the potential to rebel against the government, the government have to kill them for it may, again, be a threat to public safety.

So execution is just a normal thing. No need to be so fed up about it.

Kayau (talk)14:10, 1 April 2010

Besides your opinion on the death penalty this observation is obvious many especially the US want a reason to hate china because of their lean toward socialism all this article shows is thee obvious they have the largest population with so many ethnic groups of course they would have to have these large numbers in oder to control such an environment (talk)22:32, 3 April 2010

I didn't see anyone mentioning the organ donor program.Forgetting that would be like living in denial..

Mukeshmegnauth (talk)10:57, 9 April 2010

You're right, IP. They just have to hate something.

Kayau (talk)03:37, 16 May 2010

They should look at percentage to the entire population

Iran's execution amount mentioned in the article is more alarming considering the total populations of both countries (talk)21:02, 8 April 2010