Comments:Candle knocked over during voodoo sex ritual causes apartment fire

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "it's generally accepted that t..."009:28, 4 March 2011
Comments from feedback form - "misleading title"414:49, 2 March 2011
Comments from feedback form - "never knew voodoo sex could be..."005:37, 28 February 2011
...015:23, 27 February 2011

Comments from feedback form - "it's generally accepted that t..."

it's generally accepted that the use of candle at any where around the world lead to set blaze which is causing loses of many life so we have to be very careful in order to rescue our life from such victims

Omar Ameen (talk)09:28, 4 March 2011

Comments from feedback form - "misleading title"

misleading title (talk)05:20, 27 February 2011

Agreed. Neither Voodoo nor sex caused a fire - a candle knocked over did. It is frustrating to observe such a common story of negligence portrayed in a sensational fashion. (talk)06:07, 27 February 2011

From what I've noticed English Wikinews seems to have a tradition of misleading title, although in this case I would argue that voodoo was indeed a cause of the fire. Voodoo is a joke, voodoo priests should be sent to jail for fraud, and those who seek their services to an insane asylum.

Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV (talk)14:34, 27 February 2011

the issue of Voodoo of some flavor (which one?) being a joke has little to nothing to do with whether someone knocked over a candle during sex or whether someone was careless with a big object.

btw, what sort of sex doesn't involved ritual? sex usually involves very specific behavior often unique to a participant's culture. remove voodoo entirely and leave this as a story about a woman surrounded by candles for a sex act... and it still sounds like a ritual. 14:49, 2 March 2011 (UTC) (talk)14:49, 2 March 2011

Comments from feedback form - "never knew voodoo sex could be..."

never knew voodoo sex could be that hot. (talk)05:37, 28 February 2011

"but sources say it led to sex"

Oh lawd I lol'd. (talk)15:23, 27 February 2011