Comments:CNN journalist fired for controversial Twitter message

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Talk about freedom of speech! I can't believe that such thing happens in America. I would be more happy to believe it happening in a backwards country, where there is no intellectual freedom. But, hey, every country apparently seems to have a "right" way of thinking, and punishes anyone who seems to challenge that received wisdom.
I think her comments were not exactly inflammatory, especially considering that she knew the fellow personally, and had been impressed with his work towards women's rights and more freedoms in the region.
Also, I don't think it serves anyone to fire journalists. It creates a climate where our opinions are used to oppress us. Would you want a schoolchild punished for praising Christopher Columbus? Even if you were a Native American, would you still wish to punish someone for echoing a sentiment that may not be well thought through, or informed from an opinion of innocence. I think it's just horrible that she's been fired.
Finally, what's the point of pointing fingers? All the parties involved in the conflict generally use some form of collective punishment, to the detriment of the people there. I believe in peace.
- This kind of reporting is what I stop by to read on Wkinews. ~
Thread title | Replies | Last modified |
The current situation | 0 | 03:36, 12 October 2016 |
Comments from feedback form - "I think that too many people g..." | 0 | 04:30, 2 March 2011 |
Ultramontanism | 0 | 15:35, 12 July 2010 |
Are we taking twitter too seriously? | 4 | 05:55, 12 July 2010 |
Comments from feedback form - "Another example of freedom of ..." | 0 | 15:00, 11 July 2010 |
It is the situation where the journalists need to be neutral in our tweets and posts because they represent their company while a civilian can have racial comments.
I think that too many people get fired for matters that are truly insignificant in the scheme of things. She never spoke out against Israel ... she simply expressed her feelings for someone she may have looked up to for completely different reasons to the ones making of the man a "bad" guy. It appears that the freedom of speech is guaranteed for a period of time required to get the sensitive even MORE sensitive. As an Israeli supporter, even I think that 'twas pettiness and irrational American self-righteousness that had her dismissed. It's a pity to see two nations you love appear so weak in sensitivity.
Are we taking twitter too seriously? It's just a message showing someone's point of view on a particular topic.
Probably its only her own opinion.Has US people has no freedom to be sad on ones death and respect someone ??