Comments:Brazilian Senate vote to suspend President Rousseff

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Brazilian deficit on 2016006:20, 21 May 2016

Brazilian deficit on 2016

Brazilian deficit on 2016 edit

The Brazilian deficit left by the Rousseff government was about R$ 170 bilion (US$ 57 bilion). The preliminary estimate was R$ 150 bilion (US$ 50 bilion). The forecast given by Rousseff on 2015 was around R$ 100 billion (US$ 33 billion), but that not represent the actual situation. Roussef accuse the acting president Temer of overestimate the deficit, in an attitude that the Brazilian media believes that she is deliberately "victimizing herself", rather than make a mea culpa. Temer accuse Rousseff having left a cursed legacy.

PauloMSimoes (talk)06:20, 21 May 2016