Comments:Boeing 737 crash-lands in Colombia; at least one killed

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Comments from feedback form - "There have been at least two o..."102:50, 17 August 2010

Comments from feedback form - "There have been at least two o..."

There have been at least two other similar 737 Next Generation (-600 through -900) accidents where the fuselage has broken into three pieces. In Feb 2009 a Turkish Airlines had a hard landing in Amsterdam (killing 9) and in Dec 2009 an American Airlines broke into three pieces in Jamaica after running off the runway. There is also an on-going law suit against Boeing regarding nonconforming structural components in this series of aircraft. Additionally, there is suspicion that the Kenya Airlines crash in Cameroon (May 2007) and the Ethiopian crash in Lebanon (Jan 2010) are also related to these known structural issues in the Boeing 737 NG. All national aviation authorities should be advised of known nonconformities in the primary structures of Boeing 737 NG aircraft, so that their independent investigations may draw accurate conclusions. (talk)21:07, 16 August 2010

My knowledge of this particular controversy is limited, but I do know that in at least one case Boeing hit back at a supplier that they aimed to blame - Ducommun.

Blood Red Sandman (Talk) (Contribs)02:50, 17 August 2010