Comments:Blagojevich defense team wants to restart jury selection in Illinois corruption trial

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ex gov trial422:14, 2 June 2010

ex gov trial

the ex governor did not increase income tax. (income tax is unfair.) it taxes people with income, but it does not tax rich people without income(only the interest on their estate). it should be replaced by a state property tax (that includes yearly income.) the basic reason for his trial is his refusal to increase income taxes. If he is found guilty, future historians will point to his trial, as one of the basic reason for the failure of this government. (talk)00:10, 2 June 2010

the ex governor of illinois did not increase income tax. (income tax is unfair.) it taxes people with income, but it does not tax rich people without income(only the interest on their estate). it should be replaced by a state property tax (that includes yearly income.) the basic reason for his trial is his refusal to increase income taxes. If he is found guilty, future historians will point to his trial, as one of the basic reason for the failure of this government. (talk)00:13, 2 June 2010

The ex governor of Illinlis is being tried because he did not increase the unfair income tax. It taxes only people with income. It does not tax rich people without income(only the interest on their estate).If they had 1,000,000 in the bank, only the interest on the account would be taxed. It should be replaced by a government property tax that includes yearly income. Using 2 llinois politicians to say he lied, is wrong these politicians use lies to make their living. If he is found guilty, future historians will point to his trial, as one of the basic reason for the failure of this government. (talk)21:51, 2 June 2010

The ex governor of Illinlis is being tried because he did not increase the unfair income tax. It taxes only people with income. It does not tax rich people without income(only the interest on their estate).If they had 1,000,000 in the bank, only the interest on the account would be taxed. It should be replaced by a government property tax that includes yearly income. Using 2 llinois politicians to say the ex governor lied, is wrong. Politicians use lies to make their living, and I believve they are lying. If he is found guilty, future historians will point to his trial, as one of the basic reason for the failure of this government. (talk)22:10, 2 June 2010

How many times do you intend to post the exact same comment?

Benny the mascot (talk)22:14, 2 June 2010