Comments:Baby dies after being found abandoned behind shop in Gwent, Wales

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Umm, isn't this a probable murder?000:16, 22 March 2010

Umm, isn't this a probable murder?

The police say "We are extremely concerned about the health and wellbeing of the mother" but shouldn't they be "extremely concerned" about charging her for murdering her baby? They're acting as if it's a perfectly justifiable thing to leave a helpless infant to die of exposure because you're unwilling to take responsibility for it before the rest of society. This is a most cowardly crime. The baby died, according to the title "after being found abandoned." This satisfies the "born alive rule" of common law, making this presumably a murder.

I just don't understand this response. It baffles me. Unless the circumstances turn out to be quite other than what they seem, I'm concerned about the health of the mother only to the extent of hoping her uterus prolapses and she bleeds to death. (talk)00:16, 22 March 2010