Comments:BP report into Gulf of Mexico disaster lays blame on other contractors

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "not bad at all"010:05, 24 July 2012
They are still responsible...209:03, 25 December 2010

Comments from feedback form - "not bad at all"

not bad at all (talk)10:05, 24 July 2012

They are still responsible...


 ono 21:14, 11 September 2010

Agreed. If they believe that other companies are also at fault they can turn around and seek for damages against them, but the fact remains that BP was the company responsible for the quality of the rig and all the personnel on it.

Miashin (talk)14:36, 13 September 2010

seems like there is more that meets the eye. seems that some of the contractors are pointing the blame to others. Since its was a BP block on a BP contractors rig then all the blame rests on BP. Why only one comment here? no one interested to comments? (talk)09:03, 25 December 2010