Comments:Australian PM Gillard pressured to address human rights crackdown in China

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "Hopefully Australia will be ab..."107:36, 9 May 2011
Silly018:03, 28 April 2011

Comments from feedback form - "Hopefully Australia will be ab..."

Hopefully Australia will be able to make an impact on human rights violations in China. The reason the US can't do anything is that China holds almost all of our debt! (talk)03:59, 28 April 2011

Why not investigate American Human Rights violations. If this is going to solve human rights abuse, then whole world is made out of silly putty (it might be). Maybe stopping organisations like these might stop human rights violations as a whole, because these organisations might be pressuring such governments. Philosophically speaking, these human rights violation groups are probably creating more human rights abuse than if there none of these groups (ironically). That's why you never endorse a group that slanters a government/religion. Or is it just an attempt to undermine an emerging superpower, before another superpower falls. (talk)07:36, 9 May 2011

Yes because a statement some how makes a diffrence? i wish words changed the world. once again more silly people desiring silly things.

Crazynomad (talk)18:03, 28 April 2011