Comments:At least fourteen dead in Pakistan after drone strikes

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Drone missile attack004:38, 12 May 2010
18 missiles?201:02, 12 May 2010

Drone missile attack

US Drone missile attack in Pakistan, near Afghan boarder, to nab the terrorists is a welcome action provided it does not harm or kill the innocent civilians, which in case of drones is just not plausible. Such moves may not result in sofening of targets for bigger ambitions by the US. It is also to be considered that prior understanding exists with the Pakistani Government to use the drones to nab the terrorists, with in their territory. It is also understood that these terrorists are also indirect threat to the United States. (talk)04:38, 12 May 2010

18 missiles?

Never know that the UAV has that many.--KDP3 (talk) 00:53, 12 May 2010 (UTC)

KDP3 (talk)00:53, 12 May 2010

Not necessarily by one drone though.

C628 (talk)01:00, 12 May 2010

It seems like it now after looking up the Predators, but the article never mention more then one.--KDP3 (talk) 01:02, 12 May 2010 (UTC)

KDP3 (talk)01:02, 12 May 2010