Comments:Astronomers discover large exo-solar system

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Comments from feedback form - "Where are the astronomy apps.m..."

Where are the astronomy apps.myson has one which shows the stars and planets when the pad is pointed at. Different areas of the sky .your I Pad is not very good at enquiries,we all have to take on your selling mania Michael Jones (talk)10:56, 13 December 2012

Comments from feedback form - "This is a great"

This is a great (talk)16:36, 25 August 2010

Cool graphic on this article!! --Bddpaux (talk) 21:18, 5 November 2012 (UTC)

Bddpaux (talk)21:18, 5 November 2012

Comments from feedback form - "Good information. I hope there..."

Good information. I hope there is life in that solar system. (talk)10:58, 23 December 2010

Good sources

The sources are good. (talk)23:02, 5 September 2010

Comments from feedback form - "to vague"

to vague (talk)12:20, 26 August 2010


Screw wars, let's go there. (talk) 05:28, 25 August 2010 (UTC) (talk)05:28, 25 August 2010

98.6% probability, yep that is pretty damn near sure, though if the planet's orbit is as close to HD 10180 as their estimate says it is (0.02 AU), that "Earth-sized planet" isn't very earth like at all, in fact it's likely hot enough to make Venus seem like a freezer! It seems like that last neptune-sized planet might hold some promise though, 1.42 AU puts it at a good distance to have habitable moons. (talk) 00:51, 26 August 2010 (UTC) (talk)05:24, 26 August 2010

Comments from feedback form - "the excistance of these solar ..."

the excistance of these solar systems are to complicated to be explained by mere human beings when they cannot remember the things from yesterday or 2000 years ago. get real get the truth (talk)18:24, 25 August 2010

Comments from feedback form - "It's not important, but seemed..."

It's not important, but seemed relevant that i could have been mentioned in the article that NASA would be revealing some planet hunting data from Kepler tomorrow (talk)17:31, 25 August 2010