Comments:Ariane 5 rocket launches Superbird 7 and AMC-21 satellites

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It's human nature to be curious about the world around us, as small children we lay in our beds and listen to all we can hear in our respective homes. It doesn't mean that we are being "bad" to stay awake and listen to conversations that aren't any of our concern; it just means we wish to know more. We look to the sky for answers, make connection with the higher beings. Liken this to a baby in a crib. With the awe and wonder of those going by feeding us, kissing, hugging and holding us. We see life as a flat plate, or our earth as flat. We are a flat earth society, and when the realization strikes us that if we go too far, far beyond our reach, we will fall. Liken this to the child as they climb out of that crib and land fully on the hard floor below. We may wimper, or cry, but we will "God willing" live to try once again. Remember, TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life. Look to your "elders" and your "youngers" to stay in touch with your "flat plate". Welcome your extended families with open arms. No good deeds will go unpunished. But it doesn't mean that you should stop doing good deeds. Pick youself up. Dust yourself off. Keep on keeping on. Your going to survive inspite of youselves. Keep asking WHY, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and share your knowledge, wealth, and expertise with those willing to move to the next level of life. Be a good neighbour, and friend, and always love your family. You can pick your friends, but you are blessed with your family to help you learn what your purpose in life is.

Respectfully yours,

Sharon G. Wilson BA FP

In humanity, love, and life, and still living in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada